Kuppys Korner - General

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I’m an absolute return investor. I recognize that benchmarks exist, but I also largely ignore them, as I don’t expect my returns to be particularly correlated with any of them....
I started following financial markets during the Asian Financial Crisis. I remember the Fed stepping in as LTCM detonated, and I instantly understood the moral hazard of saving financial institutions...
In the spring of 2022, Jerome Powell declared war on inflation. With the benefit of hindsight, let’s question what exactly he declared war on? Was he upset that the bottom...
Friends, Back in March, I wrote a piece about looking for deep value opportunities, driven by changes in market structure. At the time, I noted that pod shops were creating...
Borders are open and freedoms are eroding. Taxes are increasing to fund the nanny state. Those with capital are fleeing… Kuppy and global investor Swen Lorenz team up for a...
I’m known as a hyper-concentrated investor. I take my best ideas, bet them big, and ignore the volatility along the way. While it’s usually my top 5 or so positions...
In Macro investing, it’s critical that I have a roadmap of where we’ve come from and where I think we’re going. Of course, many things in Macro take far longer...
In late March of 2020, one of the greatest wealth transfers of my lifetime began. It remade our world—or at least it remade my world. Those who recognized Covid as...
Nearly 15 years ago, I became one of the first financial bloggers, not because I sought fame, but because I needed a better way to share stock ideas, vacation pictures,...
View from JOE’s WaterColor Inn Back in June of 2018, I wrote an initial piece on St. Joe (JOE – USA), owner of approximately 175,000 undeveloped acres along with assorted commercial real...
Friend: Kuppy, stop the car!! Me: Uggh, again? Friend: Let’s get out. Me: We have 177,000 acres to visit. We can’t stop at every damn acre. Friend: Yeah, but not...
Over the years, I’ve read hundreds and hundreds of great books. Clearly, I cannot recommend them all. The following is a short selection of the better books on investing and...