Seeking Absolute Returns Through Inflection Investing

Praetorian Capital is a hedge fund managed by Harris “Kuppy” Kupperman dedicated to seeking non-correlated, asymmetric returns. The actively-managed strategy seeks absolute returns through highly-concentrated investments exhibiting inflecting secular or cyclical tailwinds, along with allocations to Event-Driven special situations.

Kuppy's Korner

I’m an absolute return investor. I recognize that benchmarks exist, but I also largely ignore them, as I don’t expect my returns to be particularly correlated with any of them....
I started following financial markets during the Asian Financial Crisis. I remember the Fed stepping in as LTCM detonated, and I instantly understood the moral hazard of saving financial institutions...
In the spring of 2022, Jerome Powell declared war on inflation. With the benefit of hindsight, let’s question what exactly he declared war on? Was he upset that the bottom...

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Our Business

$303 Million Total Assets Under Management as of February 2025

Inflection Investing


1. This figure is an estimated and unaudited amount.